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Because it’s not just
the thought that counts.
Totally committed
to the needs of
our customers

Crazy - smart navigation with each item having a different size and margins


    Thinking of everyone and everything – our extensive range of public and industrial services

  • No matter what technology or service we develop within the Group or what experience we may gather, we always make it available to others. The result is a full and complete range of services that have been adapted to meet the exact requirements of our customers and that deliberately unite sustainable development, environmental protection, cost savings and resource conservation. Whilst our services have, in principle, been divided up into two groups – industrial services for companies and public services for local authorities and/or their residents – they often overlap. Some of our services can benefit two or even all three target groups.

  • From carrying out site remediation work for industrial businesses to maintaining publicly and privately owned green spaces – REMONDIS does it all

Public services for local authorities –
more than simply sweeping roads

When asked to name a public service, most people first think of collecting waste or maintaining roads and parks. We also provide such services of course. But we support local authorities in many other areas as well. Often behind the scenes assisting their organisation and administration departments – such as managing sites on their behalf or carrying out environmental analysis work. No matter what the task, the goal is always the same: to further improve the quality and efficiency of all public sector services. At the end of the day, it is the local inhabitants who benefit – for example from stable rates and charges.

Public services for citizens – wherever and whenever we’re needed

  • Besides being able to enjoy stable fees and a well-functioning infrastructure, local inhabitants can also benefit directly from our services. From the household recycling centres we run, for example, or from our special mobile collection service which enables local residents to hand over any hazardous waste they may have in their homes. What’s more we are the right people to turn to if a more bespoke service is needed. No matter whether it involves clearing privately owned properties of snow and ice in winter or picking up old furniture after a house clearance – we will handle it for you.

Industrial services – with an eye for both the details and the big picture

  • Thanks to our extensive range of industrial services, we ensure power stations, manufacturing facilities and production equipment achieve the highest levels of reliability, performance and availability. The way we do this is as varied as the industrial sectors we serve. We take on dozens of tasks for our industrial customers alone – from supplying specialist staff, to servicing equipment and machines, all the way through to carrying out all the maintenance work needed on site. In addition, we offer numerous services for businesses involved in commerce and trade such as waste management concepts for garages and workshops and setting up take-back schemes.

Coming full circle – an overview of our services

  • Two business segments, three target groups, countless options. People wishing to keep up with what we have to offer may need a little help. We are more than happy to offer you this service as well. The infographic below shows how the different fields have been divided up and how they overlap.

  • Press Room – Keep up to date

    Business locations – Europe and worldwide

    Library – Download our brochures and videos here

    Search – The quickest way to find what you want to know about our company

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